I focus particularly on methods of healing that are free of narcotics or other pain masking drug treatments. The methods I have learned may take longer and require more dedication and energy than popping a pill, but I can promise you that they are the only true way through and out to the other side.
I know how crippling a state of mind depression can be and I want you to know that that's all it really is in the end - a state of mind. The first time I heard this, I denied it because I thought the message was to ignore my pain and ignore those things that had been bothering me, but that's not the message. The message is that depression is like a virus in your mind that may have begun from legitimate pain that you have failed to recognize for so long that it has taken over, so you can't believe everything your mind comes up with. The key is to recognize your pain, accept it, honor it, and take the necessary steps to change your life. You are smart - your body, mind, emotions, spirit - are smart. You cannot ignore what they are trying to tell you. It will not just go away and pain medication will not solve it for you. You need to address the problems in your life and make the necessary changed inside of you, outside of you, with the people in your life, and in your community/environment to make yourself better.
Finally, I would like to share a quote with you that inspires me; it is from the book, The Wisdom of the Enneagram,
"Always remember that it is your birthright and natural state to be wise and noble, loving and generous, to esteem yourself and others, to be creative and constantly renewing yourself, to be engaged in the world in awe and in depth, to have courage and to rely on yourself, to be joyous and effortlessly accomplished, to be strong and effective, to enjoy peace of mind and to be present in the unfolding mystery of your life."
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