The New Medicine is a documentary about the direction in which modern medicine is evolving. Gradually, scientific evidence is being gathered to support the theory that holistic or integrated medicine is more effective than treatments relying solely on drugs or surgical procedures. Holistic or integrated medicine incorporates the mind, emotions, and spirit, as well as the body, into the treatment process. It also emphasizes preventative health care as part of the overall treatment system.
If you are skeptical about the effectiveness of meditation, guided imagery, exercise, behavioral psychology, yoga, working with a spiritual healer, or pursuing an unconventional form of treatment then this is a good film to watch.
The Film is available on Netflix:
"Before her death in 2006 from lung cancer, Dana Reeves filmed this thought-provoking program exploring the use of holistic remedies in modern medicine. Moving beyond traditional treatments and examining more lifestyle factors, an increasing number of doctors are supplementing their work with a host of healing alternatives -- including meditation, hypnosis and acupuncture -- to treat the whole body and restore their patients' health." ( Oct 29, 2009)
Or you can purchase it from the Amazon site:
A side note: remember to keep in mind that just as there are poor quality doctors - there can be poor quality guided imagery recordings, psychologists, yoga instructors, or spiritual healers. So make sure that you take your time and be choosy when you look for someone or something to help you in your treatment. If it doesn't feel right at your core then don't do it. But don't be afraid to try new things. Just don't over-invest yourself in anything. Also, if you decide to use herbal supplements or non-conventional medicine - check with your primary care doctor first to avoid any complications and make sure that what you're doing is safe. If you don't feel comfortable discussing these things with your primary care doctor because he/she does not take them seriously - then find a new primary care doctor! Your primary care doctor should be respectful and take you seriously; he/she should also be forward thinking enough and in tune with the rapidly developing body of evidence supporting integrated and holistic medicine.
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